Today I’m going to show you 3 free tools that you can use to find topics for content to post on your social media channels. 📲

By using these tools you’ll no longer sit there thinking ‘What do I post?” or “Where do these other mortgage advisers get their ideas from?”🤔

You’ll know the secret! 🤫

(P.S We use some of these tools when creating content for some of our clients as well)

Most people fail because they try and do all the research themselves, trawling through Mortgage Websites, Blogs & other people’s channels. 

These tools will save you hours every week! 😍 

If you’re feeling a bit stuck on what to post to convert your audience to leads, don’t worry, we’ve all been there! 

Let’s find a solution for your social media posts moving forward with my top three resources to help you create posts that resonate with your audience and more importantly inspire action. 💡

1. Google Alerts 📧

Ever wish you had a personal news assistant? 

Say hello to Google Alerts! By setting up some keywords like “mortgage” or “life insurance’ you’ll get the most relevant and recent news articles delivered straight to your inbox. It’s a goldmine for fresh content ideas (and one of my favourites)

Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Go to  
  2. Enter your chosen keywords
  3. Select how often you want to receive updates.
  4. Voilà! You’ve got a steady stream of content ideas ready to go.

2. 💬

If you’re ever curious about what your potential clients are asking, is your go-to tool. 

It’s like having a direct line to the minds of your audience. 

Type in a keyword like “mortgage” or “income protection,” and you’ll get a list of the most frequently asked questions around those topics. 

These are questions that are being searched in Google & YouTube right now, so you know that your audience want the answers to them! 

It’s perfect for creating content that addresses real concerns and positions you as the expert.

3. Awareness Day Calendars 📅

There’s a whole world of Awareness Days out there just waiting to inspire your next post. 

These calendars are free and easy to find online. 

For example, Injury Awareness Week is on the 26th of June. 

That’s a perfect opportunity to share a post about the importance of income protection. 

Tie your content to these days to stay relevant and engaging.

Why These Resources Work 🏆

  • Stay Current: Google Alerts keep you up-to-date with the latest trends.
  • Be Relevant: helps you answer the questions your audience is already asking.
  • Engage Smartly: Awareness Day Calendars give you timely hooks to hang your content on.

So, there you have it! 

Three fantastic (and free) resources to jumpstart your social media game and keep those leads rolling in. 

Remember, the key is to keep it light, engaging, and a bit cheeky, don’t get too formal!

If you’re looking for a top quality marketing agency, who know the property industry inside out and can create engaging, topical and professional posts week in week out…

We’re Waiting! Book in a chat today

Happy posting!