If you’re sat on the sun lounger enjoying your Summer Holidays then this one is for you. ☀️

It’s the perfect time to spice up your social media profiles a bit and give your online presence a quick and easy makeover- Sounds good? Brilliant!

Would you believe me if I told you just four tweaks could significantly enhance your visibility, get more eyeballs on your business and turn those fleeting scrolls into solid leads? 💷

These aren’t just tricks up my sleeve – they’re tried, tested and known for optimizing engagement for people in the mortgage industry

Simply follow these 4 steps to make the second half of 2024 amazing:

1. A New Face 😍

Revamp your profile picture. A simple change here can drastically change the perception of your brand and remind your audience that you’re not just lurking – you’re in full swing! 

Even minor adjustments like altering the colours or the size of your logo can create a fresh visual appeal. 

If you do this on Facebook it’ll create a post update for you as well to notify your audience that you’re still there to help- two birds with one stone.

Consider updating your cover images, too – it’s all about that lasting first impression!

2. The Magic of Words: Re-do your bio 🪄

Make sure to harness this space fully to clearly state what you offer – by all means, play around with words but keep it consistent. 

Be clever, be concise. ✅

Facebook and Instagram even use bio content for SEO purposes – a perfectly framed bio is a ticket to better reach. 

3. Networking Near You (Not Many Do This!) 🤝

Don’t underestimate the power of connecting with local businesses. 

Follow ten local establishments on your social media platforms and start engaging. 

Sharing their posts not only gives your audience a great variation of useful content to but also forges stronger community ties, establishing your business as an integral part of the local area.

Engaging with other local businesses content opens doors to new audiences, new relationships and even new introducers – get engaging today!

4. “I’ll be there for you…” 🎶 Friends to the Rescue ❤️

Leverage your network – right from the palm of your hand. 

Send out WhatsApp messages to 5 friends who aren’t following you yet. 

Ask them for a tiny favour – to follow your page and share a post. 

You never know who in their network might be in need of a mortgage. 

Now, don’t be a limit to just 5, if you can manage more – go for it! The sky’s the limit here. The more, the merrier, and the better reach for your business!

Enjoy your sunbathing this Summer, but give these steps a try while you’re at it! 

It’s so effortless that you won’t even break a sweat! 😰

Can’t wait to hear about the difference they’ll make to your online presence. 

Ciao for now sunseekers! ☀️