Today I’m going to share with you the 5 Top Secrets that I’ve unearthed from interviewing over 100 successful mortgage advisers on our podcast. 

Some secrets that help certain mortgage advisers turnover 7 figures consistently every single year!

By reading this email and implementing some of these secrets, you’ll not only save yourself time by skipping the queue but learn new ways to generate new leads, both online and in person. 🤝

Most mortgage advisers fail because they listen to other business owners at networking events, or friends that had an auntie once that ran a business. Let’s face it, a mortgage business is one in an industry of its own…

So why not sit back and listen to the people that have been there and done it! 👌

More referrals aren’t the answer! 😖

  1. It’s Just One Source! 💷

One thing I quickly learnt is that the most successful advisers don’t just rely on referrals.

They realise they are a valuable part of any mortgage adviser’s lead generation toolkit, but they aren’t their primary source of business – because they’re not reliable enough to count on for consistent growth. 📈

Relying solely on referrals creates an unpredictable flow of leads, which can lead to periods of feast or famine in your pipeline. 

They think of referrals as a nice bonus—a little extra on top—whilst their main focus should be building a stable, proactive lead generation system that works for them all year around. 📆

2. They Hire an Admin ASAP! 🧑‍💻

One thing top-performing mortgage advisers have in common is their investment in a quality admin, and they do it sooner rather than later! ⏰

Having experienced, skilled admin staff isn’t just about offloading paperwork—it’s about reclaiming your time to focus on high-value activities.

With the right support, they are able to book more appointments, follow up with more leads, and have more time to focus on business development. 🎯

3. The Secret To Social Media 🤫

When it comes to social media, the most successful advisers I interviewed had one secret: keep it simple. 

Rather than overthinking content, they focus on answering the questions they get asked most frequently by clients. 💬

This straightforward approach has two benefits: it makes content creation more manageable, and it ensures the content is relevant and useful to their audience. 

By sharing this type of valuable information, advisers position themselves as approachable experts. 

Moreover, it helps build trust and credibility, as potential clients see that these advisers are responsive and in touch with common concerns.

4. The Shirt Sponsor Is Just The Beginning 👕

    Sponsoring a local football team was a strategy that came up in several conversations, and the most successful advisers have found ways to maximise this opportunity. 

    Rather than viewing sponsorship as a simple branding exercise, they treat it as a way to build relationships within the community. 🤝

    Attending matches, speaking with parents/partners, or getting to know the players turns this sponsorship into a valuable networking opportunity. 

    By becoming an active presence in the community, these advisers generate leads through genuine personal connections, and in many cases, the results have far outpaced traditional advertising methods. 

    It’s about more than just having your name on a shirt—it’s about establishing a presence where people trust and know you. ❤️

    5. Sorry Who Is This?” The Dreaded Sentence ☠️

      Keeping in touch with past clients is critical to long-term success.

      Unfortunately, many mortgage advisers make the mistake of going silent after the mortgage completes. 

      Months or even years later, when it’s time for their renewal date, you call them and they can’t remember who you are, you’re in trouble! 😬

      Successful advisers understand the importance of consistent communication. 

      Whether it’s through social media, newsletters, birthday messages, or simple check-in emails, staying on your clients’ radar helps maintain that relationship. 

      When the time comes for them to make their next financial decision, you’ll be top of mind, not a distant memory. It’s all about nurturing the relationship long after the initial transaction. 

      If you haven’t listened to the podcast yet, then this is your sign to do so: Listen Here

      Catch you next time! 👋