Today I’m going to show you how to get more views on your video content – and the simple technique I use to get more views, by thinking they’re on the loo! (We’ll get to that later! 😂)

We want to ensure that as many people see your videos as possible, because you put a lot of time into creating them! 🧑‍🎨

The more eyes we can get on the video the better: instead of just posting a video that falls into the abyss! The more people that see your content, the more likely they are to follow or engage with further content and then increase the chance of them converting into a lead. 🤩

Most mortgage advisers fail because they spend lots of time recording the video, getting the wording just right, making sure they look good, but then ignore these best practices when they upload it and people scroll right past it! 😢

Neglecting these 4 things is the worst thing you can do! 🙅‍♂️

Let’s go right back to the beginning, you decide to record a video. You’ve got a quiet room, a ring light ready and waiting, then you draw a blank: “What do I actually say?”

This is where we’re going to start:

  1. Create content people actually want to see 👀

The first step is to record a video on a topic that people want to watch. 

Which one of the 2 videos do you think people would prefer to watch:

“Mortgage Market Update”


“What’s going to happen to mortgages in 2024?”

The second one would be a lot more engaging as it’s time sensitive and on a lot of people’s minds. 🧠

But how do we find out what’s on people’s minds? Simple- use Answer The Public (watch this video on how to use it)

This will show you what people have been searching on Google & YouTube for the last 28 days, it’s an absolute gold mine. 💛

Enter your search term and you’ll find plenty of questions that you can answer on video.

  1. Boost your reach by using keywords 🚀

Social media channels are fast becoming the search engines of the future, we know this because YouTube is now the second biggest search engine in the world behind Google. 🔎

Therefore, we need to treat the description on of our videos more like an article rather than just a bit of text that goes with our video. 

With this in mind utilise keywords in the written part of your social media post, so instead of:

“Here’s our view on mortgages in 2024”


“We have over 25 years of being a mortgage adviser, navigating the ups and downs of the mortgage market.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens with mortgage rates in the next 12 months, especially as we look to see what will happen with property prices, the Bank of England base rate and if the government bring in any mortgage support schemes.

Obviously, nobody can predict what’s going to happen to mortgage rates in 2024, there have been positive signs thus far with some lenders reducing mortgage rates, but it’s always advisable to speak to a mortgage adviser before you take any action on your mortgage in 2024”

You can see I’ve highlighted some keywords and phrases in yellow that will signify to the social media channel what the video is about. 

They can then boost the reach of this video by putting it in front of our ideal audience that want to know about mortgage rates in 2024. 📊

  1. Assume your client is on the toilet! 🚽

If you’re client is on the toilet, on a train, or putting the kids to bed, the one thing they won’t be using is the sound! 🔇

That’s why it’s an absolute must to use subtitles on your videos, so even if they’re watching with no sound, they can still understand what you’re saying!

The best part is the social media platform you upload the video to, can do this all for you. 😍

Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok & LinkedIn all have in built tools that will automatically generate your subtitles for you, just press the button when you upload your video, and the magic will happen! 🪄

You can also use 3rd party apps that will allow you to change the colour of the subtitles and animate them further- this is great for injecting some of your brand colours into your video. 🧡

  1. Don’t rely on the powers that be! 🔋

So now you’ve created a topical, keyword led, engaging video with subtitles we’ve severely increased the chance of it being seen by more people as the social media platform will do the job for us!

But if you want to take it further- take the control back into your hands to get even more views. 👀

Here are 3 ways you can increase the reach of your video even further:

  1. 🚀 Utilise local Facebook Groups – Share your videos into local groups to help keep you front of mind, increase reach and become the local mortgage celeb!
  2. 🚀 Stories for the win- Share your video to your stories, these are fast becoming the best way to increase engagement with your channel.
  3. 🚀 Knowledge Centre – Upload them to your website in the form of a knowledge centre so people can take in your wisdom even if they’re not on your social media channel.

Remember all the above to ensure that the effort you put into recording, reshooting, and editing of your videos isn’t a waste of time!
Let me know how you get on 😊