Today Iā€™m going to share with you an analogy that will help you simplify your thought process behind content and show you how important your digital billboards are in the real world. šŸŒ

Itā€™s important to constantly remind your audience who you are and what you do, thatā€™s why Iā€™ve come up with this simple analogy to help you get your social media focus back. šŸ‘Š
Most mortgage advisers fail because they think posting once a week is enough when the reality is youā€™ll never become memorable enough for someone to reach out for a mortgage that way! āŒ

The Channel is a Town, your Audience are the Residents & your Content are the BillboardsĀ āœ…

People spend a significant chunk of their day scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Tik Tok.

But have you ever thought about your audience and social media platforms as a busy little town? Well you should! 

Imagine, youā€™ve got, say, 200 followers on your Instagram Account:

šŸ˜ļø Think of these followers as residents of a small town. 

šŸ‘€ Think of your social media posts as billboards dotted around this town where all these “residents” live their digital lives. 

šŸ“²Then imagine them walking around this town is them scrolling on social media

As the residents are walking around the town they notice these billboards or, in other words, your social media posts. 

If there’s only one billboard for your company amongst 99 other billboards from other mortgage companies, or other small businesses, your billboard isnā€™t likely to leave much of an impression in their minds. šŸ˜¢

However, imagine if you were to occupy 50 of those billboard slots (by constantly putting them up around the town) 

You’ve just significantly increased your chances of your brand being noticed and recognised. 

Much like a real billboard, it’s key to consistently brand your digital content – be it through colours, voice, logo, or other distinguishable features (I always think colour is the best way to distinguish yourself šŸŸ šŸ”µ)

This memorable presence will lead to better recognition, a sense of trust, and ultimately more business enquiries. šŸ“ˆ

This is the exact reason why you need to ā€˜put up more billboardsā€™: it will make you a lot more recognisable in your local area. šŸ“

These people are highly unlikely to ā€˜reactā€™ to your billboard by sending a photo of it to their friend, so why do we expect it on social media? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Itā€™s highly unlikely they will share it with their friends (unless itā€™s super special), but it doesnā€™t mean they havenā€™t seen the post and been subject to your brandā€™s presence (much like a billboard does!)

So donā€™t get hung up on engagement, it doesnā€™t mean they havenā€™t seen it!

Also, remember that not everyone will ā€˜walk aroundā€™ the same amount each day. 

In other words, some followers will scroll more than others. Hence, it’s essential to build an audience that you know uses social media frequently – as theyā€™re much more likely to notice your billboards over a few months. šŸ“†

To sum up, if you present more ā€˜billboardsā€™ or content to your digital ā€˜town,’ there’s a higher possibility your ā€˜residentsā€™ will remember you and reach out when they need to sort their mortgage.

The key is to put up more billboards than any other mortgage adviser in your area – and the way to do that is consistently post!

Now get on with putting up those billboards! šŸ‘Œ