Today I’m going to show you the best way to use comments to not only help you increase the interaction on your social media posts, but also help you forge strong relationships with other local businesses. 🤝

By increasing interaction you’re also increasing the bond between you and your audience- we want to make it that strong, when it comes to them needing mortgage advice, they only think of one company – and that’s yours!

Most people fail because they’re selfish – they think that everyone should comment on their content, but never repay the favour!

Sorry, but the world doesn’t revolve around you and your content! 😬

Get out of the mindset that you want people to comment on your content, instead think about what you can comment on 🤔

By adopting this mindset, the engagement will come!

1️⃣ Be a Social Butterfly 🦋
You know how it goes: if you want people to comment on your posts, you’ve got to show some love first. 

Take a few minutes each day to comment on other local businesses’ content or react to their Instagram stories. 

It’s like that old saying—give a little, get a little. ❤️

But here’s the catch: make sure your comments are genuine and actually relate to what they’ve posted. 

  • Comment on an estate agent’s new listing about how gorgeous the kitchen is
  • Ask a question about the latest lunch deal at the local café
  • Lift up a local gardener with a comment about how beautiful their client’s lawn looks

No one likes a copy-paste job, and you’ll lose trust faster than you can say “algorithm.” 😅

P.S By doing this not only will the local business be notified but their audience will also see your business name (free exposure!)

2️⃣ Respond Like a Pro (and Keep the Conversation Going) 🗨️
When someone takes the time to comment on your post (or even on another business’s post where you’ve left a comment), don’t leave them hanging! ❌

Respond promptly, and here’s the trick—always ask a question in your reply. 

Humans are naturally nosy, and a good question keeps the conversation rolling. 

The more back-and-forth in the comments, the better for your engagement! 📈

And hey, even if you’re doing this on someone else’s post, they’ll remember your name and are more likely to return the favour on your content. 😌

Win-win! 🏆

3️⃣ Ask the Right Questions 🤔
If you want more comments on your posts themselves, sometimes it’s as simple as asking a question.

But here’s the thing—don’t make it all about business.

You’ll get hardly any response (trust me I’ve seen it!). 😬

Instead, try something fun and relatable. 

For example, asking “Is it tea or coffee for you in the morning?” might seem a bit bland, but it’s way more likely to spark a conversation than something like, “Whose fixed rate mortgage is due for renewal this year?” 🥱

The more comments, the more reach—and that’s what we’re after!

So there you have it! Three tips to get those comments rolling in. 

Trust me, the engagement boost will work wonders for your reach—not just on the post itself, but across your content. 🚀

Give it a go and let me know how you get on!