Today I’m going to show you how it’s not ‘Mission Impossible’ (don’t worry that’s the last Tom Cruise pun) when it comes to becoming the most well known mortgage adviser

in your area 🏡

By being a local celebrity, not only will you generate you more leads but other local businesses will start doing your marketing for you!

Most mortgage advisers fail because they think that you have to do countless videos of yourself and attend all the networking events to be seen, but in reality your phone and the internet is all you need 📲

Too many people are selfish on social media!

The harsh reality is that social media is no longer a one way street! 

You can no longer post on social media and let the social media platform push your posts out for you (even if you use paid ads, it’s nowhere near as effective as before)

Instead, let’s walk you through 4 strategies you can implement right now (on Facebook & Instagram) to get you noticed:

  1. 👀 Follow other local celebrities 

The first part is to build your foundations, and these need to be strong ones.

Find 20 local companies that have the following criteria:

📊 They have 500 or more followers

📆 They post AT LEAST 3 times a week on social media (people that have more followers will more than likely post more anyway)

🛍️ They run a business that you buy from, know of or have an interest in (e.g. don’t follow a dog walking company if you don’t like dogs!🐶)

MUST: Make sure you’re following these pages from your business account, not your personal profiles

  1. 💬 Engage with these accounts weekly, if not daily!

This is where you can put your business name in front of their audience & vice vera

  • 🏡 An estate agent uploads a new property for sale: Comment on that post something you like about the house/area/style
  • 🍗 A local butcher posts about their Christmas Turkeys: Comment something positive & then share that post to your audience explaining how this is the best butcher around
  • 🪴 A gardener posts about how to look after your lawn during the winter: Comment how you’ll take these on board and share it to your audience with the caption “If you’re looking to sell next year, keep your garden looking good this Winter”

By doing this your name will appear in the comments and reach an entire new audience; you’ll also start to build relationships with these businesses, ones that you’ve been kind enough to share their content for.

TIP: Don’t do this with national companies, our job is to build our brand locally.

  1. 📨 Slide into their DMs

After you’ve shared a few of their posts, spark up a conversation.

Message 3 different businesses each week something positive about their business, a recent post or a memory you have of that business.

This will help you forge relationships with them, relationships that can work both ways.

Local businesses that receive positive comments or free promotion are much more likely to share your content in the future (or at least react positively to you sharing their content) and you never know might repay the favour by putting your business in front of their followers in the future 🤩

  1. 🎥 Get your face out there

I know I said you don’t need to send lots of videos, but you could start with one a week.

If you can strengthen your brand even further locally using one tool: it would be with your face!

These videos could either be something about the market, what’s happening to rates or even a shout out of a local business – the local business are much more likely to share that video when it’s about them! ❤️

By doing these videos, and increasing the chance of local businesses sharing them, you’re reaching more local people that may not already be following you

Implement these 4 strategies and you’ll start to become recognised more on social media, find more referral opportunities with local businesses and you may even get the ultimate:

“Aren’t you that mortgage broker off Facebook/Instagram?” question when you’re in the queue at the shops! 👏

Let me know how you get on, and if you wanted to discuss any further training:

Click here to book a call