Today I’m going to show you 4 easy ways you can grow your audience, all by building relationships with your local community. We like to call it piggybacking!

By piggybacking other business’ audiences you’ll not only expand your network but increase your local brand presence and be the go to mortgage adviser for so many more people than just your followers.

Most people fail because they think it’s a one way street and everyone else should be shouting about their business, whereas it should be the other way around to generate new leads!

Don’t expect people to shout about you if you don’t do it for them!

1. Comment, Don’t Just ‘Like’ – Get the Conversation Going 💬

    It’s tempting to scroll through Instagram or Facebook and throw out a quick like on posts from local businesses. 

    But here’s the thing: real relationships start with genuine interaction. 

    Next time your favourite local café or estate agent shares something, leave a thoughtful comment—something specific, not just “Great post!”

    For example, if a local restaurant posts a photo of their new dish, say something like:

    “Looks delicious! This’ll definitely be my go-to spot for client meetings next week! 👌

    This shows you’re paying attention and being relatable. It also shows their audience your business name in the comments, free advertising space!

    Businesses love when you engage with them, and they might just return the favour on your content! 

    More eyes on you = more potential leads. 😎

    2. Host a Collaborative Giveaway to Double Your Reach 🎁

    Giveaways aren’t just fun—they’re gold mines for exposure! 

    Partner up with a local business that complements your brand (think local estate agents, coffee shops, or home décor shops) and create a giveaway where both of you benefit.
    For example:

    “Win a free 1-hour mortgage consultation from [Your Business Name] AND a £50 voucher from [Their Business Name]! 💸

    The trick is that both businesses promote the giveaway, which means you both get double the exposure

    Plus, who doesn’t want something free? 

    People will engage, follow both businesses, and spread the word. 
    This strategy can get your name in front of a brand new audience while showing off your generosity and local connections. 🎉

    3. Tag Local Businesses in Your Posts – It’s Networking 101 🏷️

    Whether you’re enjoying a weekend coffee or attending a local event, always tag the local businesses involved. 

    Got a meeting at the local café? Take a quick pic and tag them:

    “Fuelled up for today’s mortgage consultations with some local coffee from @LocalCafe Supporting local businesses every step of the way!”

    This not only boosts your visibility (because their followers will see it too!), but it shows you’re part of the local community. 

    They might even share your post on their stories! 

    More shares = more visibility. 📈

    4. Go Live with Local Experts – Show Off Your Knowledge Together! 🎥

    This is for the experts out there, but there’s nothing stopping you giving it a go!

    Instagram and Facebook Lives are a brilliant way to engage with your audience in real-time. But you know what’s even better? 

    Teaming up with a local business for a joint live session!

    For example, you could collaborate with a local estate agent and host a session where you chat about the current housing market. 

    They talk properties, you talk mortgages—it’s a match made in marketing heaven. 💼🏡

    This kind of live event positions you both as experts in your fields, while exposing you to each other’s followers. 

    The result? You’ll not only entertain and educate, but also attract potential clients from each other’s audience! 🚀

    Bonus Tip: Create a ‘Local Spotlight’ Series on Your Socials 🔦

    Show off your local knowledge and support by creating a series where you spotlight local businesses. 

    Each week, feature a business you love—whether it’s your favourite lunch spot or a florist you always recommend to new homeowners.

    Not only does this help you build relationships, but it also positions you as someone deeply involved in the community. 

    Plus, when you tag those businesses, they’re likely to share your post, bringing more people back to you. 📲

    When you start collaborating with local businesses on social media, you’re not just networking—you’re building trust and expanding your reach in an authentic way. 

    It’s all about being a part of the community and showing potential clients you’re more than just a mortgage expert; you’re their neighbour. 🏡

    Ready to start building those connections and expanding your audience? 

    Go do it and let me know how you get on!