Today I’m going to show you 3 websites that will help you create more content that helps win more business, in less time.

By using these websites you’ll create content that your audience actually want to see, instead of posts that don’t resonate. 

These tools will help you free up more time, time you can spend doping top quality appointments.

Most people fail because they are posting the wrong content.​ Their audience lose interest and eventually unfollow! 

You can read your audience’s mind, by using these tools.

1. “People Also Ask” feature on Google 🙋

The key to creating quality content that resonates with your audience is answering questions they are already asking themselves, this makes you a mortgage mind reader! 🔮

Here’s a 2 minute video on how it works:

2. Questions That Are Asked On Google with AnswerThePublic 👀

This goes into a little more depth than the Google tool above. Check out our step by step video on how to find the most searched for words every month:

3. Ideas Delivered To Your Inbox with Google Alerts 🔔

I’ve saved the best ’til last! 😍

This one will deliver the latest news articles around mortgages (or any search term you desire) straight to your inbox, no searching, no typing, all done automatically! 🤖

These are great content topics for social media as they’re already front of mind with your clients as they’re seeing this content in the news already:

P.S. Don’t be afraid to inject your personality into these posts, don’t just be the “Linky Larry” that just posts a link to an article and says “Here’s an update” 🥱

Give your personal opinion on articles, what’s going on in the market, how you feel about the developments etc.

Remember people buy from people on social media! 🙌

We know this type of content works because we use it for our clients week in, week out.

IT WORKS because you’re answering client’s questions that they’re already asking themselves and you never know, you might answers questions that they might have never thought of, but have now! 

This builds trust and over time can be the difference between them contacting you (someone they trust) or your competitor!