Today I’m going to show you 4 ways to increase your following on your social media, giving you a great foundation to bring in 2024! 📆

These can all be done within 30 minutes every week, so require very minimal effort! 🤩

By building your audience you’ll increase the chance of your ideal client consuming your content 

Then when you post entertaining and education content they’ll grow to know, like and trust you then when it’s the right time, they’ll reach to book an appointment 💷

Most people fail at growing their audience because they think there is a hack, or it’s completely impossible. But I’m here to tell you it’s entirely possible, you just need to get your hands dirty!

Gaining social media followers is easy! 🤯

The first misconception we need to dispel is that you need tens of thousands of followers to be ‘successful’ on social media! ❌

But let me ask you this:

What would you rather have? 10,000 followers with only 100 of them really interested in your services? 

Or 1000 followers with 500 of those followers needing to sort their mortgage?

With that in mind let’s show you how to gain followers that could actually be beneficial to your business:

  1. Ask, Ask & Ask Again 🗣

Tik tok this, Instagram that and checking the algorithm- we’re so bogged down in social media and technology that we forget the best way to increase our audience is to JUST ASK!! 💥

There is a time and a place to get the most success though, and most mortgage advisers ask at the wrong time. ⏰

Always ask them on your first appointment, never when their mortgage completes! By asking them at the beginning they’re much more likely to follow you as they have a vested interest in your business whilst their mortgage proceeds. (Instead of on your last appointment when they’ve got what they need from you and are much less likely to follow you)

Say something like “Follow us on Facebook/Instagram/Tik Tok to keep up to date with what’s happening in the market, we share some really useful stuff on there” 👏

Get them to get their phone out there and then, if you’re video calling or face to face!

If they don’t do it on or just after that call, ask them on the 2nd and 3rd appointment, don’t worry about being pushy they’ll eventually follow, if not just to support you.

  1. Don’t underestimate the Invite! (Use your family & friends)

Facebook & LinkedIn give you features where you can invite your friends to like your page.


  1. Navigate to your business page
  2. Hit the 3 dots on the top right
  3. Invite All your friends to follow the page


  1. Navigate to your business page
  2. Hit the 3 dots top right
  3. Invite up to 250 connections a month (as an invite is rejected or accepted you’ll be given that invite back to use again)

The best part is you can also ask friends/family/clients to use the above to invite their friends list to like/follow your page. 

Imagine if you asked 50 friends to invite 100 of their friends, that’s 5000 invites! If only 10% of them followed that’s an extra 500 followers! 😱

3. Don’t wait for people to follow- go and follow them! 👍

Most of the people in your local town won’t even know you exist – so let’s tell them!

You can easily do this by following them – once you do they’ll receive a notification saying you’re following them and it may spark something inside them to either think:

“Ah I’ve been looking for a mortgage adviser, I might message them a quick question” 💡


“Would be interesting to follow them and see what’s happening in the market, as we want to move next year”

You can find these local people by following the ones who interact with other local businesses in the area

That way you know they’re local and you know they’re active on social media, so they won’t miss your name when you do drop them a follow!

TIP: Make sure your Social Media Profile explains exactly who you are and what you do – so when they visit it they know how you can help ✅

BONUS TIP: Try and have the word mortgage in your social media handle/name (especially Instagram so they know exactly what you do) ✅
Do these 3 things once every week for half an hour over the next month and start 2024 with more followers than you’ve ever had before! 🚀