Today I’m going to teach you how limiting your content in January can help you win more business than your competitors in February, March and later on in the year! 📆

By doing this you’ll take the pressure off yourself in January and benefit later in the year- when your competitors have fallen off the social media band wagon!

You’ve probably started 2024 thinking this is the year I’m going to win on social media. 🏆

You record double the amount of videos, write triple the amount of posts & quadruple the amount of stories you upload!

You start to see an uplift in engagement, and even leads (yay for leads!) and think “I could do this forever, what’s not to love?!” 🤷🏻

The reality will hit and you’ll realise that this level of social media commitment isn’t sustainable, and uploading a video a day for January isn’t the answer- it’s about being consistent the year round.

Stop posting all your content in January!

But Chris, I’ve recorded/created all this content, I just want to get eyes on it! 👀

I understand, but every business out there is thinking the same thing. Ask yourself how many business have you seen ramp up their content in the last couple of weeks?

Lots! With more content out there on social media, you content is being seen by less people- because there is more noise! 😩

Also think about it this way- people spend less time on social media in January, it’s a month that people make changes in their life (joining gyms, reading more books etc 📚) 

So you’re fighting against:

  1. Other businesses in the local area for attention, as lots more businesses are uploading. 🥊
  1. Less traffic on social media, as they’ve chosen to have a social media detox in January. 📲

Yes, you could still filter through all the noise and go ‘viral’ but the chances are a lot slimmer.

Don’t worry this email’s not all negative, I’m here to provide some really useful tips to help you manage January

  1. Take off the pressure and upload only 3 times a week, instead of every single day. Your videos are still there to be used in February, we’re just posting over a longer period. 📆
  1. Only upload the content that you think is the most valuable (or time sensitive) Read/watch your content and think will this set the world alight? 🔥
  1. Schedule the rest of your content for February/March when other businesses drop off posting and more people get back to social media. I promise this is where you’ll see the biggest gains. 💪
  1. Instead of posting, use free local Facebook Groups, or reciprocal relationships with local businesses to share each others content to increase reach. 📈
  1. You’ve managed to find time to record all this content, so don’t let that slip. Set an hour each week dedicated to creating content, that means you’ll stay consistent for the rest of the year. 🥳

Doing all of the above will help you not only use content you’ve already created, but also have content (and a creation plan) for when it does get busy – as we all know that’s when social media takes a back seat!

Social media isn’t just for January, it’s something you need to be doing all year round!

You may have read this and thought I haven’t even got any content at all to put out, don’t worry we can help with that

Book a call here