Today I’m going to show you how you get your admin team to take the load of social media content creation, with not much effort at all. 🤩

Now I know you’re screaming “Chris they’re too busy submitting cases!” but in 30 minutes a week they could do so much more by helping you to grow your business! 🌱

By getting your admin team involved with social media, they’ll not only help come up with new marketing ideas (instead of it always falling on you)

But they’ll also feel part of something bigger! 🙌

Most mortgage advisers fail because they try and control all the social media posts themselves. 

The planning, the creating, the recording, the posting – they burn out and don’t end up doing any of it!

You can reach so many more people (with dare I say it better content) if you get other people involved. 

Stop trying to be a control freak!

Your admin team are the life and soul of your company, they:

🗣️ Speak to clients before and after their appointment

🧱 Build relationships with clients outside of their mortgage

💷 Do the whip round for the team’s birthdays

☕️ Realise when everyone needs a brew!

So why are you letting all of this knowledge go to waste? 🤯

Their expertise can help to create so much lead generating content for your social media channels, and here’s how:

  1. Let Them Get Personal

When they’re progressing a case, your admin team develop a close relationship with your clients. Therefore it will be a lot easier for them to ask a client for customer review.

If you set the right templates off on Canva, this can be as simple as copy and pasting a review from an email or a Google review into there, then downloading it and posting on social media.

Here’s a quick 5 minute tutorial of how to create a professional looking review in Canva

Going one step further your admin team could ask clients for a video testimonial to upload social media – this would create an incredible social media post with video social proof of how good you are! 🏆

  1. They Get All The Questions 🧠

The first port of call when booking an appointment, for clients, is normally your admin team. More often than not they will get asked a lot of questions about mortgages (even thought they’re not advisers themselves)

Obviously they can’t answer these. They will always refer to speak to you the mortgage advisor during the appointment, but these questions could still be utilised. 💡

Get your admin team to write down every question they are asked by a client before their appointment, because these will be the burning question is that everyone wants answers to. 🔥 

(If one person’s asking it, then I bet you at least 30% of your social media audience have the same questions on their mind)

Your admin team could then do a social media post, answering these questions, or if you wanted to get involved do a video giving your opinion on “Should I take a 2 or 5 year fixed rate?”

Answering these questions make ideal content as they are questions your admin team are being asked every day:

“Can I get a weekend appointment?”

“What do I need for my remortgage appointment?”

“Do you know what deposit I need as a First Time Buyer?”

Your admin team will be able to generate a huge list even in the first week of doing this!

  1. Quick Snaps! 📸

Does a member of your admin team own a mobile phone? The answer is probably yes! 📲

What’s stopping them from taking some behind-the-scenes photos of your team and showing some personality:

☀️ A photo of John at the desk with the caption “John’s desk by the window, he needs daylight and coffee to function!”

☕️ A video of Mary making a cup of tea with the caption “We’ve all voted and realise that Mary is the best at making tea in the office”

We’re not looking for super polished photos, we’re looking for raw, real-life photography that your audience can relate to, that makes you all look human!

Remember content doesn’t always have to be about business showing personality can increase the chance of a client reaching out to you instead of Smith’s Mortgages down the road.

What are you waiting for? ⏰

Get your admin team involved in creating content that actual converts today, instead of thinking it should all be down to you!