Today I’m going to teach you exactly how to use a free tool that Meta Business Suite offers, which allows you to reach more people – with little effort at all!

It’s a tool that allows you to share your most valuable content into Facebook Groups. 

By sharing your posts into Facebook Groups you’re not only increasing the reach of the post (who wouldn’t want their posts to be seen by more people?!) but you’re also increasing visibility in the local area- building trust with those potential introducers! 🤝

Most people fail because they think that sharing into groups is time consuming and will get in the way of their day to day jobs (especially if you can only post at a certain time)

With the Group Scheduling Tool, you don’t need to worry anymore!

Facebook Groups Are Untapped!

Before we show you exactly how to share your posts into these groups, let’s dive into why they can be a powerful tool in your social media toolkit!

Increase Your Reach 📈

Facebook Groups are fantastic for organically increasing your reach. When you share valuable content in these groups, you’re not just reaching the group members; you’re engaging with a highly targeted audience. This can lead to more visibility and, ultimately, more clients. 👀

Foster Relationships 🤝

These groups are about community. (When they’re not complaining about dog poo on the estate! 😂) 

By actively participating and sharing your expertise, you’re building relationships with other small businesses and potential clients. 

This sense of community can turn casual interactions into meaningful connections – ones that can turn into leads further down the line.

Build Referrals 🔄

One of the most significant advantages of being active in Facebook Groups, I think, is the potential for referrals. 

Other group members, especially small business owners, can become introducers who refer clients to you – especially when the “Can anyone recommend a mortgage adviser?” post pops up.

By being visible you have a much higher chance of being recommended compared to if you never posted!

Here’s exactly how to do it:

(Click the video to watch)

Some Top Tips When Sharing Into Groups 💡

To make the most of these groups, bear these in mind when choosing your posts:

Offer Value 🌟

Make sure your posts aren’t just about promoting your services. 

Share valuable advice, answer common questions, and provide insights. This positions you as a helpful expert, rather than someone just looking to sell something.

Be Consistent 🗓️

Regular participation is key. Set aside some time each week to engage with the group members. Comment on their posts, participate in discussions, and share relevant content consistently.

Share Success Stories 🎉

People love success stories. Share testimonials and success stories from your clients (with their permission, of course). This not only highlights your expertise but also shows potential clients what you can achieve for them.

Use Visuals and Emojis 📸

Keep your posts engaging with visuals and emojis. A picture is worth a thousand words, and emojis can add a touch of personality and make your posts more relatable.

Here’s A Real Life Example🚀

Let’s say you’re a part of a Facebook Group for local small businesses. You could share a post about a recent client who was thrilled with how you helped them secure a mortgage (a photo of them would be even better!)

You might also share a tip about how FTB’s could get on the ladder quicker, or tips for people looking to move home – remember it’s not always about asking for business!

By doing this, you’re not just promoting your services; you’re providing value and building trust within the community. 

Other small business owners in the group may then think of you first when someone mentions they need a mortgage adviser – and you never know there could be an estate agent in there looking for a new introducer 😉

Hope the video helped- let us know if you’d like to see more of these!