Last week we attended our first in person event of 2024 at the fantastic Mortgage 1st Conference in Sheffield. We chatted, drank tea and answered lots of questions about social media. ☕️ 📲

Today we’re going to answer the most frequently asked questions that we were asked on the day around how to win business on social media. Lots of advisers found our answers insightful – and we thought you would too! 💡

We figured if mortgage advisers, whether employed or self employed, were asking these questions then you’ve probably got them on your mind as well! 🧠

Most advisers think they’re the only ones who are struggling with certain aspects of social media, so they don’t ask the burning questions as they think ‘they’ll sound silly’ so they never ask them and don’t get the solution they need so badly! 😩

You’re overthinking everything!

One big takeaway from the event was that so many mortgage advisers overthink their content. 

They don’t know what to post to get the most engagement, worry about what others will think and worry their audience will get annoyed with posting too much 😡

Well we’re here to break that cycle and give you a well needed break from all that overthinking. 

So let’s get into the questions:

  1. “How do I post more video content?” 🍿

Instead of recording loads of 30-60 second videos, record a longer piece of content and chop it up. ✂️

Take a topic such as: “Will mortgage rates go down in 2024?” And talk to the camera as if you’re on the phone with a client, this should give you a 3-5 minute video. 

That video is absolute gold, so we’re going to get as much juice from it as we can! 🍊

Instead of uploading it to your social media and using it once, use something like Opus Pro to chop up your content into smaller pieces (these could be 10-15 second clips) 

Upload 3 of those short videos teasing your audience about the longer more valuable video that will be released next week! 🤩

Then upload the full video when you said you would. You’ve then been able to create 4 pieces of content and increased the chances of your audience seeing your face or business by 4 times! 🚀

  1. “Creating content takes too long” 

We understand that it takes a lot of time to create a week’s worth of graphics/videos, write the content, schedule it and then do it all again next week. 😩

So let’s cheat! 😱

Ok maybe cheat’s not the perfect word, but what’s stopping you posting that piece of content again in 6 weeks’ time? (as long as it’s relevant)

Remember not everyone in your audience will see every post. By reposting it again in 6 weeks’ time you’re increasing the chance of your audience seeing it. 👀

“But what if my audience think I’ve already seen that?!” Trust me they won’t remember it, even if they do it might make them take action the second time they see it.

By doing this: the 5 posts you create this week then become 10 posts – when that week rolls around in 6 weeks’ time you don’t have to create anything as you’ve already done it and scheduled it!

  1. “I don’t get any engagement on my posts” 💬

There’s one main reason that you don’t – because you don’t engage with anyone else’s content! 🤯

You do the thing that most mortgage advisers do, you ‘post and ghost’ 👻

When you send out a post, stick around, comment on some other local businesses’ posts, respond to your client’s comments (if there are any) share an estate agent’s house you like the look of, message the local café about how amazing their cakes look! 😋

This will put your name all over social media and show the social media channel in question that you use the platform to engage rather than just post.

This in turn will increase the chance of your business been seen by others and help you strike up relationships with new clients! 🤝

We loved answering these questions on the day, even if our legs were hurting from standing all day (we’re used to being sat behind a computer!) and we hope they’ve helped you too 😊

If you want to have a chat about how we can create all this content for you, then book a call today