Yes, getting Google Reviews is fantastic, especially for SEO, but what we’re talking about today can take your business to the next level. 📈

This solution is so much more engaging than sharing a screenshot of your latest Google Review to your social media channels! 

Or even creating a Canva graphic (and you know how much we love Canva!) 🎨

Today I’m going to show you how you can get an unlimited number of video testimonials, without having to badger clients for them! 

By getting your clients to do these you’re, topping up your ammo of social proof. These videos can be used on your social media channels, on email marketing campaigns or even on your website.

Most mortgage advisers fail because they think it takes too much time and effort. ⏰

They have to call or email the client, ask for the review, then chase them up, then find out the video is low quality so it has to be done again – no wonder people don’t do it.

Don’t worry, we’ve found an easy solution…

Use this hack to get unlimited video testimonials 🤖

If you’re reading this, you’ll know how vital customer reviews are, especially for mortgage advisers like you.

We harp on a lot about Google Reviews, and yes they’re fantastic and certainly help build trust, but let’s take it up a notch and start getting video reviews! (with not much more effort at all!)

Why Video Reviews? 📹

Video testimonials are not just a nice to have—they’re incredibly effective. Here’s why:

  1. Authenticity and Trust: People find video reviews more genuine and trustworthy compared to text reviews. Seeing a real person sharing their positive experience can create a strong emotional connection and trust in your services.
  2. Higher Engagement: Video content is more engaging and easier to digest. Statistics show that 79% of consumers have watched a video testimonial to learn more about a company, product, or service, and 90% of users say that seeing a video about a product is helpful for making decisions​ (HubSpot Blog)​​ (Oberlo)​.
  3. Increased Conversion Rates: Video testimonials can significantly boost your conversion rates. Two-thirds of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a testimonial video​ (Boast)​.

Step-by-Step Guide to Collecting Video Reviews 🎬

Here’s the secret that not many mortgage advisers know, but you can have it for free!

You’re already doing so many appointments weekly on Teams or Zoom calls, which means you have an unlimited resource for gathering these reviews. 

Here’s a simple step-by-step process of how to turn those appointments into reviews:

  1. Ask at the End of Appointments: After wrapping up a successful appointment, ask your client if they’d be willing to share their experience in a short video review.
  2. Record the Screen: If they agree, you can easily record the session. Guide them through a few questions to make it comfortable and natural for them.
  3. Use Simple Tools: You can then download this video and edit it in desktop apps like Canva or send it to your phone and edit it on something like CapCut

Making the Process Smooth 🌟

  1. Prepare Your Clients: Give them a heads-up about what you’ll ask. Simple prompts like “What was the easiest part of our service or “Would you recommend us to others?” can work wonders.
  2. Quality Matters: Ensure good audio and video quality. A clear picture and sound make the testimonial more professional and appealing

Remember, if they’re on their phone or laptop the camera quality should be top notch anyway.

Sharing is Caring 📢

Once you have these awesome video testimonials do the following:

  1. Share it to your Facebook & Instagram channels as Reels 📲
  2. Pin the video to the top of your Instagram & Facebook Pages 📍
  3. Send it to your web developer to put on your website 💻

You’ve got the reviews, now please use them, don’t just leave them in a folder to rot!

How easy is that?! 😍

Incorporating video testimonials into your marketing strategy can truly set you apart from the competition, especially if you have a few mortgage advisers in your local area.

It’ll help you stand out and show your audience how good you are at your job! 👏

Have a go and let us know how you get on.