Today I’m going to share some of the most useful tools, tips & strategies we’ve come across in the last month, which can help you and your business.

By using some, or all of these tools you’ll not only find more efficient ways to run your social media successfully. But you’ll also pick up some great lead generating tips from experts in their field. 🏆

On Social Media:

We’ve really ramped up our social media content over the last 3 months, which meant May was jam packed with Canva Tips, Social Media Best Practices & Business Tips!

One of the most popular videos we did was all about the 5 most common traits of successful mortgage advisers. Click To Watch:

The next video was a question we get asked a lot!

I show you a few ways you can add eye catching subtitles to your videos, all with a few taps on your phone screen!

Captions are a great way to keep your audience engaged and add some of your branding onto your videos with coloured backgrounds:

On Our Podcast:

May was a popular month for the podcast, one of the days in May we had 168 podcast downloads, which means you were tuning in more than ever before!

Our aim with the podcast is to give you unrestricted access to experts in their own chosen fields.

All with the goal of helping mortgage advisers out there win more business and try things they may not have done in the past.

Check out last month’s most popular episodes:

How to get to 14,000 Instagram followers & generate leads for 3 mortgage advisers with Sam Norris

How to create engaging Instagram Reels with Thomas Honour

Google My Business Mastery on the Broker’s Brew

What’s Coming Up?

We’re attending the Mortgage 1st Charity 5s Event in Nottingham, so if you’ve signed up then we’ll see you there.

We’ll be in attendance to answer any of your social media questions and will have some goodies for all the players on the day!

Also keep your eye out for handy videos on our social media channels about how we can help your business in June!

If you wanted to have a chat to us about how we can help with social media, then you can always book a call here.