Today I’m going to show you can stop solely relying on referrals for new business, how dangerous they can be and how to get more appointments in your diary by enhancing your visibility. 👀

In a market where there are less mortgages to go around, you need to be doing something to stand out. Blindly relying on referrals is not a way to help your business grow. ❌

You need to be seen by more people than ever, people that have never heard of you.

Most people fail because they try something other than generating referrals for a few weeks then resort to type and hope that their friend’s uncle’s nephew’s mate from football will refer them some leads! 🙄

Today we’re going to break that circle with 4 things you can action straight away. 🤩

Referrals are killing your business!

While referrals can be a great source of leads, you need to stop relying on them, they should be seen as an added bonus.

With this in mind let’s explore some ways you can get seen by more people in less time, both online and offline:

  1. Become a Local Celebrity 🤩

Don’t worry I’m not asking you to don the Elton John glasses and walk up and down the high street. 😂

I’m talking about becoming the most well known business (or person) in your local town/village/hamlet (do we still have hamlets?!) 

Start by connecting with as many local businesses as you can on your social media channels. Go into their shops and introduce yourself. Interact with them at a local fayre. 

Do everything you can to get your face and your business in front of them.

Why? Because if they get to know who you are and what you do they’re more likely to promote you on their social media channels; this allows people who may have never seen you before lay their eyes on your business!

  1. Fill Your Local Facebook Groups

Hands down one of the most powerful ways to increase the chance of new clients reaching out for an appointment. 📅

Start by joining 20 local Facebook Groups and every week share a topical or informative post from your social media page (TIP: Make sure it’s branded to your company or has your face on) 

These Facebook Groups are full of thousands, if not tens of thousands of local people and businesses – ones that may have never heard of your business, but they will do now!

Doing this consistently over the course of 6 months (at least once a week) will grow your post reach to heights you’ve never seen before. ⛰️

All of these local people will be constantly reminded that you are there to help. So when it comes to their mortgage renewal date, who are they likely to turn to? (You, that’s the answer!)

  1. Look At Printing Some Adverts 😱

I know, I know, we’re a digital marketing company why are we telling you to turn to print advertising? Because it works – on one condition….

You have it printed in the best location and format for your business, for example:

❌ Don’t advertise in the local paper if you want to attract First Time Buyers – it’s more than likely that this demographic don’t read the local paper.

✅ Instead sponsor a local music festival with a banner that will have more of these type of clients in attendance.

❌Don’t print a detailed 6 page booklet for the school fete advertising every single one of your services, with a bloated explanation of each one.

✅ Instead, create a flyer that has a bullet point list of your services and a QR code for busy parents or teachers to book an appointment when they get home – make it easier for your clients.

  1. Hold Workshops or Webinars 💻

These are a great way to reach more ideal clients in less time.

Hold a webinar or workshops in your local area that focuses in on one specific subject, for example:

  • A Home Movers Event – Talking you through the process of moving to your dream home
  • Funding Your First Purchase – Helping you buy your first home and the costs involved

You’ll have all the attendees’ details upon registration which you can then use to follow up when you’ve finished.

The best part is you know they’re motivated as they’ve attended something that is trying to help them get to their end goal (buying or moving.) You can help be a part of that

It’s time to break free from the referral trap and take charge of your business growth. 

Relying solely on referrals can be risky, especially in a market where you may have more time but less leads – so now is the time to expand your visibility and reach a broader audience to convert into clients.

Let me know how you get on and as always if you need any help book a call here.