Do you feel like your phone is listening to your conversations? 😱

Well that’s exactly how your clients need to feel when they see your post! 👀

Last week we spoke about how creating a client avatar (whom we named Jane) could help you create content that’s laser focused as one individual:

If you didn’t catch it you can read it here.

Today I’m going to show you how to create content that makes your audience think you’re listening to their conversations.

By using these strategies you’ll create more engaging content that Jane will resonate with, in less time. ⏰

Time you can spend doing appointments.

Most people fail because they don’t have a plan when it comes to creating content.

They’ll either try and create it on the go, in between sitting on hold to lenders, or schedule time to create content and sit there with a blank screen (we’ve all done it)

Let’s create content that makes Jane think her phone is listening!

We’re going to run through a week’s worth of content, but it’s not going to be just any old content. ❌

This is content that we know will resonate with Jane, this is her avatar (if you didn’t see it last week):

Jane is a home owner and been through the mortgage process a few times now.

Holidays in Europe with her family and loves to take campervan holidays in the UK when she can.

Hobbies include playing hockey at her local club, searching Instagram for interior design accounts that give her inspiration and taking her dog out for walks.

📆 Monday:

Post a customer review, but choose it wisely!

Instead of posting a review from a First Time Buyer, choose one that comes from someone similar to Jane.

Why does it work?

Jane is much more likely to think you’re the person for the job if she sees that you’ve helped people in a similar situation to her – social proof a it’s best. 🤩

(A review from a First Time Buyer won’t necessarily catch her eye!)

📆 Wednesday:

Post a photo of you walking your dog (if you’re a dog walker) and explain how a dog walk helps you start the day/wind down after a busy day.

Why does it work?

You and Jane both have a dog! 

This familiarity can install more trust, as you have common ground. It’s also easier for her to start a conversation with you about the family dog, compared to talking about her mortgage (which could come with time & trust in you)

📆 Thursday:

Think of a client who is similar to Jane, someone you’ve spoke to in the last 4 weeks.

Remember one of the questions that they may have asked:

“When do I speak to you about my remortgage?”

“Can I move home with my fixed rate?”

“When are mortgage rates coming down?”

Answer this question in a social media post.

Why does it work?

It’s more than likely that Jane is wanting an answer same to the same question, and she’ll feel like you’re speaking to her.

This builds trust and positions you as a thought leader when it comes to mortgages. 🧠

📆 Sunday:

Share a post from an interior designer account explaining what you love (or even hate) about the latest trends – “Do pumpkins really belong all over the house?”

Why does it work?

These Interior Design accounts are becoming more and more popular and by sharing content that isn’t just about mortgages you can start more conversations than you ever thought you could!

As you can see each post is aimed specifically at Jane.

This is a much more effective way to create content that your audience want to see, because they feel as if you’re speaking to them. 🤩

“But I don’t want to leave my other clients out” I hear you cry! 😭

Don’t worry, you won’t, more people than you realise will resonate with your content (not just Jane)

What we’re doing here is increasing the chances of ‘Jane’ picking up the phone to you, instead of her calling another company who just talks about mortgages. 

We’re also making it easier for you to create more content in less time, by feeling like you’re speaking to one individual, instead of the masses!

Remember you can always create more than one avatar, and create content for each Jane, just make sure you’re writing that post as if you’re speaking directly to that person.

Let me know how you get on!